Intelligent Agile provides accredited agile training and expert counsel to individuals and organizations looking to change environments sensitive to disruption. Collectively, our team has empowered large scale organizational change, focusing on modernization and efficiency. Our goal is to ensure the transformation needed is executed intelligently. We take steps to both implement the change and preserve mission delivery cadence.
Our instructors, coaches and consultants are experts in agile engineering and development within the Federal and Intelligence Community Markets. Together they have trained thousands of professionals across the country. We understand the constraints our clients face while pivoting to new processes. Our focus is to introduce disruptive technologies and methodologies without disrupting the mission. Behind Intelligent Agile is our multi-faceted team of experts in human centered design, behavior driven design/development, and system engineering and integration that each bring unique skills to the table. We are not just agile trainers and practitioners; we are change agents embedded in Federal and Intelligence Community customer spaces.
To learn more about our team of change agents and the services we provide, please visit Intelligent Shift's website.
Master Trainer
Amy’s experience in adult education spans her 20 year professional career supporting the Intelligence Community. While serving in the Marines, she completed the Defense Language Institute (DLI) Military Language Instructor’s Course, certifying her to teach Spanish and Albanian. Upon separation from active duty, Amy took a position as an IT trainer with the National Maritime Intelligence Center. Through her exposure to the software analysts were using, and driven by the feedback she received from the analysts during training, her position evolved to that of business analyst and requirements engineer. She worked to bridge the gap between the users and the developers to ensure that the best possible products were being delivered.
In 2011, Amy became an agile practitioner. This began as a test engineer for multiple agile development teams within a large federal organization. Seeing the benefits it provided, her enthusiasm for the agile process quickly grew. She stepped out of her test role to become a scrum master and then an agile strategist- helping to implement agile engineering practices across a large enterprise. While most of her work focuses on organizational change management, she still is able to dedicate a significant amount of time to what she is truly passionate about- teaching and coaching agile teams.
Agile Coach, Director of Operations for Intelligent Agile
As a Business Analyst, Scrum Master, and now Agile Coach, Emory has enjoyed Coaching, Training, and Facilitating teams at the Development, Program, Solution, and Enterprise levels. As an Agile Coach, Emory specializes in Scrum, Kanban, and the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). She has spent the majority of her career in the DoD and Intelligence Community, gaining experience in areas such as Agile classroom training, Development Team facilitation, Program Increment Planning, and Enterprise Agile Transformations. Driven by her passion to help others become the best versions of themselves, Emory is propelled to help teams become their best performing and most efficient version of themselves, and to help the product/software become the highest quality and most valuable version delivered.
Emory has achieved the ICAgile Agile Coach (ICP-ACC), Agile Team Facilitator (ICP-ATF), Business Value Analyst (ICP-BVA), ICAgile Certified Professional (ICP), Certified Scrum Master (CSM), and SAFe 5.1 Program Consultant (SPC) certifications, and is a certified ICAgile Instructor.